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The Wisdom Body:

An Introductory Meditational Movement Video

With Masashi Minagawa & Chloe Goodchild


The movements featured in this video have been created by international Shintaido master Masashi Minagawa in collaboration with international singer and voice teacher Chloe Goodchild, founder of The Naked Voice. Shintaido means new-body-way. The aim of these meditational movements is to help the singer-practitioner to ground and embody the sound of their own spirit. The video also helps prepare for more in-depth singing and voice-work, as inspired by the work of The Naked Voice.


1. Aum: Emptiness

2. The Seven Chakra Mantra: Ascending & Descending

3. The Heart Sutra: Embracing The World

4. Tenshingoso: The Cycle of Life

5. The Seven Sounds of Love - Ionian Mode: From Root to Crown


The Wisdom Body Meditational Movement Video (Download)

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