VOCE – Voices of Conscious Evolution
The VOCE TRAININGS are changing lives through the transformative impact of authentic vocal expression and the seamless interweaving of silent, spoken and sung voice. Chloe’s pioneering practices are sourced from a process of self-inquiry, rooted in non-dual, all-inclusive, non-reactive, compassionate communication skills.
The VOCE Ongoing Trainings offer you a unique opportunity to access and express your true potential, authenticity, passion and power, at a pace and level that meets you right where you are. And all from the comfort of your home!
VOCE Testimonial
“Much, much gratitude for VOCE. It came at a particularly helpful time for me. I have been a soundwork practitioner for many years. Much of my work was offering sound to clients and group soundwork. I have encouraged women to voice in my group sessions but I have been wanting to offer more intensive vocal release opportunities. In January I sort of hit a wall, two steps forward, 10 steps back. I felt that I was at the edge of something new and resistance showed up, big time. Your course, ever encouraging, helped to catapult me over the edge. For that I’m grateful. Since then I have had numerous clients come for one-on-one sessions to experience vocal experimentation.” – Evelyn Ward de Roo, www.nurturingspace.ca
VOCE welcomes everyone, newcomers and committed practitioners alike. Find yourself in a profound inviolable ‘field’ of deep non-judgemental listening, dispelling separateness, unifying diversity, generating shared values, and sound leadership. The aim is to restore and renew conscious loving relationships through a mindful use of sound.
The Introductory Training is a ‘home-learning’ course to take in your own time. Once you have worked through the practices then you are able to move onto the live Intermediate and then In-depth Trainings. Please see our website diary for dates of upcoming Intermediate and In-Depth online courses.
Update: November 2018
At present the Intermediate and In-depth Trainings are taking a backseat while we put our energies into new online trainings for The Shift Network.
VOCE – Voices of Conscious Evolution
The VOCE TRAININGS are changing lives through the transformative impact of authentic vocal expression and the seamless interweaving of silent, spoken and sung voice. Chloe’s pioneering practices are sourced from a process of self-inquiry, rooted in non-dual, all-inclusive, non-reactive, compassionate communication skills.
The VOCE Ongoing Trainings offer you a unique opportunity to access and express your true potential, authenticity, passion and power, at a pace and level that meets you right where you are. And all from the comfort of your home!
VOCE Testimonial
“Much, much gratitude for VOCE. It came at a particularly helpful time for me. I have been a soundwork practitioner for many years. Much of my work was offering sound to clients and group soundwork. I have encouraged women to voice in my group sessions but I have been wanting to offer more intensive vocal release opportunities. In January I sort of hit a wall, two steps forward, 10 steps back. I felt that I was at the edge of something new and resistance showed up, big time. Your course, ever encouraging, helped to catapult me over the edge. For that I’m grateful. Since then I have had numerous clients come for one-on-one sessions to experience vocal experimentation.” – Evelyn Ward de Roo, www.nurturingspace.ca
VOCE welcomes everyone, newcomers and committed practitioners alike. Find yourself in a profound inviolable ‘field’ of deep non-judgemental listening, dispelling separateness, unifying diversity, generating shared values, and sound leadership. The aim is to restore and renew conscious loving relationships through a mindful use of sound.
The Introductory Training is a ‘home-learning’ course to take in your own time. Once you have worked through the practices then you are able to move onto the live Intermediate and then In-depth Trainings. Please see our website diary for dates of upcoming Intermediate and In-Depth online courses.
Update: November 2018
At present the Intermediate and In-depth Trainings are taking a backseat while we put our energies into new online trainings for The Shift Network.
VOCE – Voices of Conscious Evolution
The VOCE TRAININGS are changing lives through the transformative impact of authentic vocal expression and the seamless interweaving of silent, spoken and sung voice. Chloe’s pioneering practices are sourced from a process of self-inquiry, rooted in non-dual, all-inclusive, non-reactive, compassionate communication skills.
The VOCE Ongoing Trainings offer you a unique opportunity to access and express your true potential, authenticity, passion and power, at a pace and level that meets you right where you are. And all from the comfort of your home!
VOCE Testimonial
“Much, much gratitude for VOCE. It came at a particularly helpful time for me. I have been a soundwork practitioner for many years. Much of my work was offering sound to clients and group soundwork. I have encouraged women to voice in my group sessions but I have been wanting to offer more intensive vocal release opportunities. In January I sort of hit a wall, two steps forward, 10 steps back. I felt that I was at the edge of something new and resistance showed up, big time. Your course, ever encouraging, helped to catapult me over the edge. For that I’m grateful. Since then I have had numerous clients come for one-on-one sessions to experience vocal experimentation.” – Evelyn Ward de Roo, www.nurturingspace.ca
VOCE welcomes everyone, newcomers and committed practitioners alike. Find yourself in a profound inviolable ‘field’ of deep non-judgemental listening, dispelling separateness, unifying diversity, generating shared values, and sound leadership. The aim is to restore and renew conscious loving relationships through a mindful use of sound.
The Introductory Training is a ‘home-learning’ course to take in your own time. Once you have worked through the practices then you are able to move onto the live Intermediate and then In-depth Trainings. Please see our website diary for dates of upcoming Intermediate and In-Depth online courses.
Update: November 2018
At present the Intermediate and In-depth Trainings are taking a backseat while we put our energies into new online trainings for The Shift Network.
VOCE – Voices of Conscious Evolution
The VOCE TRAININGS are changing lives through the transformative impact of authentic vocal expression and the seamless interweaving of silent, spoken and sung voice. Chloe’s pioneering practices are sourced from a process of self-inquiry, rooted in non-dual, all-inclusive, non-reactive, compassionate communication skills.
The VOCE Ongoing Trainings offer you a unique opportunity to access and express your true potential, authenticity, passion and power, at a pace and level that meets you right where you are. And all from the comfort of your home!
VOCE Testimonial
“Much, much gratitude for VOCE. It came at a particularly helpful time for me. I have been a soundwork practitioner for many years. Much of my work was offering sound to clients and group soundwork. I have encouraged women to voice in my group sessions but I have been wanting to offer more intensive vocal release opportunities. In January I sort of hit a wall, two steps forward, 10 steps back. I felt that I was at the edge of something new and resistance showed up, big time. Your course, ever encouraging, helped to catapult me over the edge. For that I’m grateful. Since then I have had numerous clients come for one-on-one sessions to experience vocal experimentation.” – Evelyn Ward de Roo, www.nurturingspace.ca
VOCE welcomes everyone, newcomers and committed practitioners alike. Find yourself in a profound inviolable ‘field’ of deep non-judgemental listening, dispelling separateness, unifying diversity, generating shared values, and sound leadership. The aim is to restore and renew conscious loving relationships through a mindful use of sound.
The Introductory Training is a ‘home-learning’ course to take in your own time. Once you have worked through the practices then you are able to move onto the live Intermediate and then In-depth Trainings. Please see our website diary for dates of upcoming Intermediate and In-Depth online courses.
Update: November 2018
At present the Intermediate and In-depth Trainings are taking a backseat while we put our energies into new online trainings for The Shift Network.
VOCE – Voices of Conscious Evolution
The VOCE TRAININGS are changing lives through the transformative impact of authentic vocal expression and the seamless interweaving of silent, spoken and sung voice. Chloe’s pioneering practices are sourced from a process of self-inquiry, rooted in non-dual, all-inclusive, non-reactive, compassionate communication skills.
The VOCE Ongoing Trainings offer you a unique opportunity to access and express your true potential, authenticity, passion and power, at a pace and level that meets you right where you are. And all from the comfort of your home!
VOCE Testimonial
“Much, much gratitude for VOCE. It came at a particularly helpful time for me. I have been a soundwork practitioner for many years. Much of my work was offering sound to clients and group soundwork. I have encouraged women to voice in my group sessions but I have been wanting to offer more intensive vocal release opportunities. In January I sort of hit a wall, two steps forward, 10 steps back. I felt that I was at the edge of something new and resistance showed up, big time. Your course, ever encouraging, helped to catapult me over the edge. For that I’m grateful. Since then I have had numerous clients come for one-on-one sessions to experience vocal experimentation.” – Evelyn Ward de Roo, www.nurturingspace.ca
VOCE welcomes everyone, newcomers and committed practitioners alike. Find yourself in a profound inviolable ‘field’ of deep non-judgemental listening, dispelling separateness, unifying diversity, generating shared values, and sound leadership. The aim is to restore and renew conscious loving relationships through a mindful use of sound.
The Introductory Training is a ‘home-learning’ course to take in your own time. Once you have worked through the practices then you are able to move onto the live Intermediate and then In-depth Trainings. Please see our website diary for dates of upcoming Intermediate and In-Depth online courses.
Update: November 2018
At present the Intermediate and In-depth Trainings are taking a backseat while we put our energies into new online trainings for The Shift Network.
Transforming through Sound
Sawyer Hall, Christ Church, Nailsworth
Saturdays 14th September, 5th October & 16th November
Sawyer Hall, Christ Church, Newmarket Rd, Nailsworth, GL6 0DQ.
Everything about you is carried in the sound of your soul. Your true or naked voice is the messenger of your Soul. It is as unique as your DNA, and your fingerprint. FREE YOUR TRUE VOICE invites you on a journey of self-remembrance, restoring your capacities to hear and communicate without fear, to embody the full spectrum of your natural voice with self-confidence, creativity and compassion, awakening the energies of Love, to communicate in all realms of your life.
14th September: Embody Your Voice
5th October: Express the Voice of Your Soul
16th November: Empower Your True Voice
NOW IS THE TIME to join other vocal allies, conscious communicators, like you to:
discover the innate healing power of your own DNA signature sound
learn how to listen, without judgement, to yourself and others
strengthen your heart through the simple practice of devotional chant, & lovesong
enjoy conscious core practices, energy movement and body-centred singing maps
dissolve self-consciousness through an empowering process of self-inquiry
transform the tyranny of outworn narratives and social conditioning
empower your creative expression with vulnerability and courage
awaken the 'inner music' of your soul through the language of silence
activate your own sound health with the medicinal energies of the musical modes
redeem the humble authority of your own voice wisdom
replace instability with inner-stability, restoring self-love
renew your everyday relationships with new powers of conscious communication
retrieve your unique voice as a catalyst for unconditional loving presence
Join Chloe Goodchild on this life-changing journey of liberation through sound. It is underpinned by a diligent process of self-inquiry, to strengthen your inner “witness”, the capacity to observe yourself and your voice,
without judgement. This opens you to a new relationship and adventure, with the transformational power of your own voice.
Come and discover these essential communication skills for wild times, empowering you to explore, research and share new super-powers of communication — from the inside out and with others; activating the creative capacities of your musical mind.
Whether you are a newcomer to the Naked Voice teachings, a seasoned voice practitioner, singer, sound healer, voice facilitator or teacher, The Naked Voice practices are here for you to explore at whatever depth or life experience and wisdom that you bring to our shared journey together. If possible, we encourage you to come to all three workshops, as your unique and ongoing presence will strengthen our shared journey at this very challenging time on Earth.
Chloë Goodchild is founder of The Naked Voice, a pioneering vocal training, founded in 1990, exploring voice as a spiritual practice, sustained by conscious core practices, devotional music, and audio-books that empower you to embody and express your authentic voice. Chloe’s seminal book, The Naked Voice – Transform Your Life through the Power of Sound (North Atlantic Books, 2015) provides a comprehensive & instructional account of the essential Naked Voice wisdom of sound. Chloe is a faculty member and author for The Shift Network and Sounds True.
Please book in advance for these workshops. We invite you to pay what you can afford from the options below. We have created four payment options: Supported, Standard & Supporter.
Please scroll down and make sure you select the correct date and appropriate payment option.
- 30 British pounds
- 40 British pounds
- 50 British pounds
- 30 British pounds
- 40 British pounds
- 50 British pounds
Please note
We plan to start at 11am sharp so please arrive from 10.30am to give you time to park and settle in. Please bring a packed lunch, or shops and cafes are available close by. Teas will be available too. Please bring a water bottle and layers for warmth. We will send out an email to all participants a few days before the workshop with any final information.
Workshop payments are non-refundable. The Naked Voice may exercise it's discretion to transfer a booking to a future workshop at the same venue in case of bereavement or serious illness.