VOCE – Voices of Conscious Evolution
The VOCE TRAININGS are changing lives through the transformative impact of authentic vocal expression and the seamless interweaving of silent, spoken and sung voice. Chloe’s pioneering practices are sourced from a process of self-inquiry, rooted in non-dual, all-inclusive, non-reactive, compassionate communication skills.
The VOCE Ongoing Trainings offer you a unique opportunity to access and express your true potential, authenticity, passion and power, at a pace and level that meets you right where you are. And all from the comfort of your home!
VOCE Testimonial
“Much, much gratitude for VOCE. It came at a particularly helpful time for me. I have been a soundwork practitioner for many years. Much of my work was offering sound to clients and group soundwork. I have encouraged women to voice in my group sessions but I have been wanting to offer more intensive vocal release opportunities. In January I sort of hit a wall, two steps forward, 10 steps back. I felt that I was at the edge of something new and resistance showed up, big time. Your course, ever encouraging, helped to catapult me over the edge. For that I’m grateful. Since then I have had numerous clients come for one-on-one sessions to experience vocal experimentation.” – Evelyn Ward de Roo, www.nurturingspace.ca
VOCE welcomes everyone, newcomers and committed practitioners alike. Find yourself in a profound inviolable ‘field’ of deep non-judgemental listening, dispelling separateness, unifying diversity, generating shared values, and sound leadership. The aim is to restore and renew conscious loving relationships through a mindful use of sound.
The Introductory Training is a ‘home-learning’ course to take in your own time. Once you have worked through the practices then you are able to move onto the live Intermediate and then In-depth Trainings. Please see our website diary for dates of upcoming Intermediate and In-Depth online courses.
Update: November 2018
At present the Intermediate and In-depth Trainings are taking a backseat while we put our energies into new online trainings for The Shift Network.
VOCE – Voices of Conscious Evolution
The VOCE TRAININGS are changing lives through the transformative impact of authentic vocal expression and the seamless interweaving of silent, spoken and sung voice. Chloe’s pioneering practices are sourced from a process of self-inquiry, rooted in non-dual, all-inclusive, non-reactive, compassionate communication skills.
The VOCE Ongoing Trainings offer you a unique opportunity to access and express your true potential, authenticity, passion and power, at a pace and level that meets you right where you are. And all from the comfort of your home!
VOCE Testimonial
“Much, much gratitude for VOCE. It came at a particularly helpful time for me. I have been a soundwork practitioner for many years. Much of my work was offering sound to clients and group soundwork. I have encouraged women to voice in my group sessions but I have been wanting to offer more intensive vocal release opportunities. In January I sort of hit a wall, two steps forward, 10 steps back. I felt that I was at the edge of something new and resistance showed up, big time. Your course, ever encouraging, helped to catapult me over the edge. For that I’m grateful. Since then I have had numerous clients come for one-on-one sessions to experience vocal experimentation.” – Evelyn Ward de Roo, www.nurturingspace.ca
VOCE welcomes everyone, newcomers and committed practitioners alike. Find yourself in a profound inviolable ‘field’ of deep non-judgemental listening, dispelling separateness, unifying diversity, generating shared values, and sound leadership. The aim is to restore and renew conscious loving relationships through a mindful use of sound.
The Introductory Training is a ‘home-learning’ course to take in your own time. Once you have worked through the practices then you are able to move onto the live Intermediate and then In-depth Trainings. Please see our website diary for dates of upcoming Intermediate and In-Depth online courses.
Update: November 2018
At present the Intermediate and In-depth Trainings are taking a backseat while we put our energies into new online trainings for The Shift Network.
VOCE – Voices of Conscious Evolution
The VOCE TRAININGS are changing lives through the transformative impact of authentic vocal expression and the seamless interweaving of silent, spoken and sung voice. Chloe’s pioneering practices are sourced from a process of self-inquiry, rooted in non-dual, all-inclusive, non-reactive, compassionate communication skills.
The VOCE Ongoing Trainings offer you a unique opportunity to access and express your true potential, authenticity, passion and power, at a pace and level that meets you right where you are. And all from the comfort of your home!
VOCE Testimonial
“Much, much gratitude for VOCE. It came at a particularly helpful time for me. I have been a soundwork practitioner for many years. Much of my work was offering sound to clients and group soundwork. I have encouraged women to voice in my group sessions but I have been wanting to offer more intensive vocal release opportunities. In January I sort of hit a wall, two steps forward, 10 steps back. I felt that I was at the edge of something new and resistance showed up, big time. Your course, ever encouraging, helped to catapult me over the edge. For that I’m grateful. Since then I have had numerous clients come for one-on-one sessions to experience vocal experimentation.” – Evelyn Ward de Roo, www.nurturingspace.ca
VOCE welcomes everyone, newcomers and committed practitioners alike. Find yourself in a profound inviolable ‘field’ of deep non-judgemental listening, dispelling separateness, unifying diversity, generating shared values, and sound leadership. The aim is to restore and renew conscious loving relationships through a mindful use of sound.
The Introductory Training is a ‘home-learning’ course to take in your own time. Once you have worked through the practices then you are able to move onto the live Intermediate and then In-depth Trainings. Please see our website diary for dates of upcoming Intermediate and In-Depth online courses.
Update: November 2018
At present the Intermediate and In-depth Trainings are taking a backseat while we put our energies into new online trainings for The Shift Network.
VOCE – Voices of Conscious Evolution
The VOCE TRAININGS are changing lives through the transformative impact of authentic vocal expression and the seamless interweaving of silent, spoken and sung voice. Chloe’s pioneering practices are sourced from a process of self-inquiry, rooted in non-dual, all-inclusive, non-reactive, compassionate communication skills.
The VOCE Ongoing Trainings offer you a unique opportunity to access and express your true potential, authenticity, passion and power, at a pace and level that meets you right where you are. And all from the comfort of your home!
VOCE Testimonial
“Much, much gratitude for VOCE. It came at a particularly helpful time for me. I have been a soundwork practitioner for many years. Much of my work was offering sound to clients and group soundwork. I have encouraged women to voice in my group sessions but I have been wanting to offer more intensive vocal release opportunities. In January I sort of hit a wall, two steps forward, 10 steps back. I felt that I was at the edge of something new and resistance showed up, big time. Your course, ever encouraging, helped to catapult me over the edge. For that I’m grateful. Since then I have had numerous clients come for one-on-one sessions to experience vocal experimentation.” – Evelyn Ward de Roo, www.nurturingspace.ca
VOCE welcomes everyone, newcomers and committed practitioners alike. Find yourself in a profound inviolable ‘field’ of deep non-judgemental listening, dispelling separateness, unifying diversity, generating shared values, and sound leadership. The aim is to restore and renew conscious loving relationships through a mindful use of sound.
The Introductory Training is a ‘home-learning’ course to take in your own time. Once you have worked through the practices then you are able to move onto the live Intermediate and then In-depth Trainings. Please see our website diary for dates of upcoming Intermediate and In-Depth online courses.
Update: November 2018
At present the Intermediate and In-depth Trainings are taking a backseat while we put our energies into new online trainings for The Shift Network.
VOCE – Voices of Conscious Evolution
The VOCE TRAININGS are changing lives through the transformative impact of authentic vocal expression and the seamless interweaving of silent, spoken and sung voice. Chloe’s pioneering practices are sourced from a process of self-inquiry, rooted in non-dual, all-inclusive, non-reactive, compassionate communication skills.
The VOCE Ongoing Trainings offer you a unique opportunity to access and express your true potential, authenticity, passion and power, at a pace and level that meets you right where you are. And all from the comfort of your home!
VOCE Testimonial
“Much, much gratitude for VOCE. It came at a particularly helpful time for me. I have been a soundwork practitioner for many years. Much of my work was offering sound to clients and group soundwork. I have encouraged women to voice in my group sessions but I have been wanting to offer more intensive vocal release opportunities. In January I sort of hit a wall, two steps forward, 10 steps back. I felt that I was at the edge of something new and resistance showed up, big time. Your course, ever encouraging, helped to catapult me over the edge. For that I’m grateful. Since then I have had numerous clients come for one-on-one sessions to experience vocal experimentation.” – Evelyn Ward de Roo, www.nurturingspace.ca
VOCE welcomes everyone, newcomers and committed practitioners alike. Find yourself in a profound inviolable ‘field’ of deep non-judgemental listening, dispelling separateness, unifying diversity, generating shared values, and sound leadership. The aim is to restore and renew conscious loving relationships through a mindful use of sound.
The Introductory Training is a ‘home-learning’ course to take in your own time. Once you have worked through the practices then you are able to move onto the live Intermediate and then In-depth Trainings. Please see our website diary for dates of upcoming Intermediate and In-Depth online courses.
Update: November 2018
At present the Intermediate and In-depth Trainings are taking a backseat while we put our energies into new online trainings for The Shift Network.
Transforming through Sound
Living Presence is a transformative meeting place for self-discovery and a deeper listening to the wisdom capacities of the human voice.
We welcome you into this collaborative, evolutionary listening field, providing a new focus on the medicinal nature and power of the human voice to heal the heart and soul. Music, mode and mood is accessible to all, it is the human and non-human expression of things: it ignites the spirit of the individual. No longer are you to be lost or overlooked by institutionalised or performance-driven music education methods, but you are invited to be here, with the sound and the silence of your origin.
To join Living Presence please select one of the monthly payments plans below...and continue to read further below for more details.
If you would like to join the Living Presence for one session to see if it is the right community and experience for you please contact us at now@thenakedvoice.com and we can arrange for you to join the next session in exchange for a donation.
"What I find most nourishing and striking about the Living Presence is the maturity of the listening field and the joyful participation all the members bring both in and outside of the live sessions. Chloë guides and shows us constantly how to deepen our capacity to really listen, with compassion and without judgment to every voice. Thank you for this place."
Miranda Bungey, Living Presence participant
Choose your Living Presence membership
Community Member
11£Every month- Monthly live online sessions with Chloë
- Ongoing session recordings
- Frequent Facilitator-led bonus sessions
- Access to 2023 session recordings
22£Every month- Monthly live online sessions with Chloë
- Ongoing session recordings
- Frequent Facilitator-led bonus sessions
- Access to 2022 & 2023 session recordings
- Access to 2021 musical modes course content
33£Every month- Monthly live online sessions with Chloë
- Ongoing session recordings
- Frequent Facilitator-led bonus sessions
- Access to 2022 & 2023 session recordings
- Access to 2021 musical modes course content
- Access to quarterly 'Mystery class' with Chloe
An Ongoing Membership of Living Presence
What you will get:
A 2-hour online session with Chloe every first Wednesday of the month, 6-8pm (UK time)
Access to the recording is viewable thereafter
Invitation to Living Presence pop-up events and bonus mid-month sessions
Access to a private Living Presence Telegram group to communicate with other members
Creative and collaborative input into an inspiring, international community
An opportunity to bring your full presence into the field as it shapes, grows, and glows!
Access to all the session recordings from 2023
Access to all the session recordings from 2022 (Catalysts & Co-Creators only)
Access to the Living Presence Musical Modes course material from 2021 (Catalysts & Co-Creators only)
Access to quarterly 'Mystery class' with Chloe (Co-Creators only)
Living Presence is an experiential sound community, focusing on the transforming power of the human voice to open the heart and soul.
Humanity is at a new fork in the road in which courageous, true and compassionate communication is called for in all realms, local and global. Living Presence is an interactive and all-inclusive field, anchored in unconditional loving presence. The voice and sound healing practices interweave spoken, sung and silent voicework, inspired by the Naked Voice teachings founded by Chloe Goodchild in 1990. They are simple and accessible, fierce and gentle, and a whole lot of fun! These voice healing practices empower you to access your authentic voice and restore the spirit of well-being in your life. Here, you will meet other vocal allies who will support your unique soul-journey in the awareness We are One. Come with us on this quest and give your voice to Truth.
Listening practices to expand your auditory consciousness and hear yourself, and others, beyond negative judgment
Authentic vocal expression inspired by the vibration, energy and frequencies of your soul
Energy movement empowering you to embody your voice, naturally, effortlessly and spontaneously
Confidence in sharing your spoken, poetic and sung voice
Self-Inquiry skills to strengthen your self-observing mind
Sound-healing tools to calm your nervous system, strengthen heart-brain coherence, and support cell vitality
A repertoire of songs, sourced from your life experience
A morphosonic field from the co-creation of harmonic resonance
The wonder that arises from a shared Wisdom of Oneness
As a practitioner of Living Presence, we invite your commitment to:
Listen with new ears beyond judgment, separateness & fear
Explore sound as the ground of consciousness
Enter into a shared spirit of enquiry with yourself and others
Allow the transforming power of silence to guide & lead you
Open to the unexpected
Trust the vulnerability of your soul
Actively support one another’s expression
Speak, sing, and live truthfully
This is both a sacred art form as well as a spiritual practice.
Outside of time and on-going, we will co-create a morphosonic field of listening and expression together, inspired by the The Naked Voice philosophy, principles and practices, to discover how your voice can liberate a new harmonic resonance from within, through the triadic alchemy of the egoic mind in service to your soul and spirit: and ultimately, in service of the generation we are flowing into at this time on earth.
In the spirit of human friendship, we invite you to:
Move beyond old rules and narratives in your life.
Replace instability with inner-stability
Witness yourself and others with clarity of heart
Enjoy courageous conversations
Celebrate one another’s discoveries
Trust the unexpected wisdom of the Now
Share life-giving words, insights, dreams, reflections
Speak clearly and honestly
Be present in the moment
“I have never experienced this ability to effortlessly generate such a range and depth of human feeling and expression with such spontaneity, courage, and compassion. Chloë is dedicated to recovering the wisdom of the human spirit, in a way that is profound and unique for our times.”
Scilla Elworthy, PhD, Niwano Peace Prize winner and Nobel Peace Prize nominee
Your Welcome
This membership welcomes all, whether you have worked with Chloe before, or not. However, it is not for the faint-hearted. We encourage you to prepare by reading Chloe’s book, and studying her “Your Naked Voice – Transform your Life through the Power of Sound”. As well as studying her Introductory Training which you can access from here.
Practical Information
Live sessions will be hosted on Zoom, recorded and available to you to watch thereafter.
We meet on the first Wednesday* of every month, 6.00 pm – 8.00 pm (UK time)
NEW Main Session Dates for 2025:
Jan 8 ~ Feb 5 ~ Mar 5 ~ Apr 2 ~ May 7 ~ Jun 4 ~ Jul 2 ~ Aug 6 ~ Sep 3 ~ Oct 1 ~ Nov 5 ~ Dec 3 (dates may be subject to change)
Facilitator-led mid-month bonus sessions for 2024: Throughout the year - dates to be confirmed
Quarterly 'Mystery class' dates for 2025 (Co-Creators only): Dates to be confirmed soon...
Recordings and other content will be accessed by member-only pages on this website
Memberships are paid on a monthly basis.
Refunds are not available. Cancellation is possible at any time.
"I was in bliss after that evening and the next day really felt so enthralling. This is such a loving offering. Thank you for making it available."
Gena Lumbroso, Living Presence participant
“A spectacular genius… Chloë’s subtle voice work opens the heart. She is a spectacular genius of this teaching art. She is at the core of a fascinating phenomenon that is allowing individuals to find their truth and freedom through the creative process of voice and sound.”
Coleman Barks, author of Rumi: Soul Fury